Velden Project Management enables smooth machine shop transition
Newark based Japanese company NSK made a decision to close their award winning RHP Blackburn foundry and machine shop in order to outsource production abroad but needed an interim solution to ensure a smooth transition. Velden won the short to medium term contract to continue machining the full range of bearing housings on the back of submitting a full proposal to transfer key men and machines to it’s Bolton based site.
The key decision makers at NSK were extremely impressed with the highly efficient way Velden fully project managed the machine shop move to ensure minimal down-time in production and therefore minimise the risk. Over three carefully planned stages, all required machines were carefully de-comissioned, transported and re-comissioned back into production… operated by the exact same employees… all within one week of having been switched off.
All production had to be strictly monitored and Velden achieved exceptional levels. Eventually once NSK had managed to get its Far East setup running, Velden shipped the machines back to them, whilst retaining the skilled men.